Gör din värmepump smart

Värmepumpar är de hemmets största energiförbrukare: låt dem förbruka när det mest gynnsamt.


Spara energi, pengar och minska din värmepumps utsläpp

Förskjut automatiskt värmepumpens energiförbrukning till de tillfällen då elen är som billigast och renast.


Förutsägande väderbaserad styrning gör att din värmepump sparar energi


Kapacity.ios modell lär sig adaptivt fastighetens värmebehov och optimerar inomhusklimatet  utan  kompromisser


Vår prisbaserade kontroll  sparar dig pengar


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Kapacity.io controls savings euros per kWh


Aktivera varmvattenproduktionen då elen är som billigast

Läs mer om Hot Water Boost här.

Reduce energy cost with Hot Water Boost

Erfarenheter från våra långvariga kunder

"Our 70-year-old rintamamiestalo in Puistola, Helsinki, consumes a significant amount of heating energy during the winter months. With Kapacity.io's market electricity control, we have managed to save 15% on the electricity costs of our Mitsubishi air-to-water heat pump. We are very satisfied with these results and are excited to see how we can further improve energy efficiency by integrating solar panel control into the system."

Lasse Mäki
Puistola, Helsinki

“We are committed to developing new sustainable services that extend beyond the boundaries of Asuntosäätiö and benefit society as a whole.”

Teemu Jalomäki
Real Estate Manager, Asuntosäätiö

"Kapacity.io's demand response service was extremely easy to get started with as electricity prices peaked during the winter 2022/2023. We are extremely satisfied with the results and are expanding the use of the service."

Tuomas Helin
Environmental Manager, KEVA

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Våra planer



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För en luftvärmepump


45 kr/månad
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
    Styrning av en luftvärmepump
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
    Energioptimering baserat på väderprognosen
  • Delta i Rewards-programmet (kommer snart!)
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
    30-dagars gratis testperiod
Börja med en gratis testperiod
Detta är lite text inuti ett div-block.

Upp till 20% RABATT på årsplaner

För en luft-till-luft värmepump


Vad ingår
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
    Styrning av en luft-till-luft-värmepump
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
    Prisbaserad optimering
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
    Prediktiv väderbaserad optimering
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
  • __wf_reserverad_ärva
    30-dagars gratis provperiod
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Värm hemmet, kyl planeten.

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Want to read more?

Explore our Knowledge Base

How does Kapacity.io Control work?

Kapacity.io's smart heat pump optimization is based on weather forecast and individual user patterns in the building. It uses machine learning algorithms to predict the energy consumption of the building and anticipate ideal control of heating and cooling setpoints. In addition, it can shift energy based on changes in electricity prices. Through intelligent optimization, it is possible to reduce the amount of electricity consumed and the cost of electricity without compromising indoor air quality. The implemented control can be monitored through the Kapacity.io Cloud service.

What is demand response?

Demand response means adjusting electricity consumption based on an external price or control signal. For example, power grid operators have to keep the supply and demand of power equal every second, otherwise the power grid risks severe failure.
As a consumer of electricity, you can support the power grid by allowing Kapacity.io to shift your buildings energy consumption away from moments of high energy demand. Kapacity.io taps existing demand response mechanisms and thus creates an additional revenue stream for your building.

How does this platform help save on energy costs?

Kapacity.io Smart Heat Pump Optimization service employs machine learning and predictive control technologies to intelligently optimize heating and cooling setpoints. By analyzing building behavior and incorporating real-time weather forecasts, our platform cuts overheating and cooling and thus makes the system more efficient. As a result, users can anticipate potential savings of up to 25% on their energy costs.

Which countries does Kapacity.io support?

We support the following countries: Austria 🇦🇹, Belgium 🇧🇪, Denmark 🇩🇰, Estonia 🇪🇪, Finland 🇫🇮, France 🇫🇷, Germany 🇩🇪, Ireland 🇮🇪, Netherlands 🇳🇱, Norway 🇳🇴, Spain 🇪🇸, Sweden 🇸🇪, United Kingdom 🇬🇧, and the United States 🇺🇸

Is your country not on the list? Write us at help@kapacity.io and we see what we can do!

What devices can be connected to the platform?

Check which devices can be added to Kapacity.io Cloud here. You can easily integrate heat pumps, and smart thermostats into the platform. For a comprehensive list of compatible devices, please refer to our 'Add Devices' section on the Kapacity.io Cloud platform. If you do not find your specific device listed, don't hesitate to get in touch with Kapacity.io. We'll be happy to explore possibilities and determine how we can assist you in integrating your device effectively.

How much does a heat pump consume electricity?

Heat pumps are highly energy-efficient, with top models producing up to 5 kWh of thermal energy per 1 kWh of electricity consumed. Actual consumption varies based on several factors including the type of system, climate, technology, and installation quality.

For instance, a 5 kW heat pump typically consumes between 0.5 and 2 kWh of electricity, with higher initial consumption that decreases as the desired temperature is reached. Specific consumption details can be found in the product data sheet.You can easily follow your heat pump’s energy consumption in Kapacity.io Cloud.

Can I make adjustments in the my heat pump’s application or remote controller during Kapacity.io control?

Yes you can! You can use your device normally during Kapacity.io control and make adjustments as you wish. Feel free to make changes directly on your heat pump, via your remote controller or your phone app.

Artiklar & Nyheter

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Meet Kapacity.io team at leading energy conferences in spring 2025

Join us for coffee with Kapacity.io in one of the following events in spring 2025.

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Kapacity.io joins forces with EnergyHub to accelerate flexibility solutions

A major step forward for growth.

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New features for monitoring heat pump optimisation performance

Some of you have already asked about Kapacity.io Cloud's new setpoint monitoring. In this post, we explain the details.

Läs mer
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